HEADM adc 2 2 crossin2-out crossin1-out ItaloInspiredVerb Empty 5 MasterVerb-obj tone_m-obj diffusors_m-obj DiffMod-obj info-obj ;=175,175,100,0 DIFFUSOR diffusor1 4 plex-out2 c_multiply17-out 1 mult_diffchr_out20-out mult_diffchr_out29-out mult_diffchr_out30-out mult_diffchr_out39-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out ;=1925,425,100,0 DIFFUSOR diffusor2 4 plex-out3 c_multiply17-out 1 mult_diffchr_out40-out mult_diffchr_out41-out mult_diffchr_out42-out mult_diffchr_out43-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out ;=2075,575,100,0 DIFFUSOR diffusor3 4 plex-out4 c_multiply17-out 1 mult_diffchr_out44-out mult_diffchr_out45-out mult_diffchr_out46-out mult_diffchr_out47-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out ;=1925,750,100,0 DIFFUSOR diffusor4 4 plex-out5 c_multiply17-out 1 mult_diffchr_out48-out mult_diffchr_out49-out mult_diffchr_out50-out mult_diffchr_out51-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out ;=2075,875,100,0 DIFFUSOR diffusor5 4 plex-out6 c_multiply17-out 1 mult_diffchr_out52-out mult_diffchr_out15-out mult_diffchr_out25-out mult_diffchr_out35-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out ;=1925,1075,100,0 DIFFUSOR diffusor6 4 plex-out7 c_multiply17-out 1 mult_diffchr_out10-out mult_diffchr_out16-out mult_diffchr_out26-out mult_diffchr_out36-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out c_adder3-out ;=2075,1200,100,0 PLEX plex 8 crossin-out c_adder2-out diffchor_in-out diffusor1-out diffusor2-out diffusor3-out diffusor4-out diffusor5-out diffusor6-out diffchor_out-out ;=2175,200,100,0 DIFFCHORUS diffchor_in 8 plex-out1 c_multiply17-out dsize_k-out moddepth_k-out modrate_k-out modratespan_k-out gliderate_k-out mult_diffchr_in-out mult_diffchr_in1-out mult_diffchr_in2-out mult_diffchr_in3-out mult_diffchr_in4-out mult_diffchr_in5-out mult_diffchr_in6-out mult_diffchr_in7-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out ;=1125,350,100,0 HIGHCUT "highcut L" detune-out highcut_k-out ;=2475,200,100,0 HIGHCUT "highcut R" detune1-out highcut_k-out ;=2475,325,100,0 TONE "EQ L" "highcut L-out" low_freq_k-out low_level_k-out high_freq_k-out high_level_k-out ;=2625,200,100,0 TONE "EQ R" "highcut R-out" low_freq_k-out low_level_k-out high_freq_k-out high_level_k-out ;=2625,425,100,0 ISWITCH "EQ L Bypass" 2 EQ_k-out "EQ L-out" "highcut L-out" ;=2750,200,100,0 ISWITCH "EQ R bypass" 2 EQ_k-out "EQ R-out" "highcut R-out" ;=2750,300,100,0 STEREOMIXER stereomixer 2 "EQ L Bypass-out" "EQ R bypass-out" -3 -3 -1 1 ;=2875,250,100,0 MIXER sum 2 adc-in1 adc-in2 -6 -6 ;=125,100,100,0 CROSSIN crossin sum-out diffchor_out~2-out c_to_a-out ;=1025,100,100,0 CROSSIN crossin1 adc-in2 stereomixer-right c_to_a_wetdry-out ;=2875,150,100,0 C_TO_A c_to_a_wetdry c_multiply22-out ;=2675,50,100,0 CROSSIN crossin2 adc-in1 stereomixer-left c_to_a_wetdry-out ;=2875,25,100,0 C_TO_A c_to_a c_multiply21-out ;=925,250,100,0 MENUPAGE tone_m EQ EQ 8 highcut_k-obj dummy-obj dummy-obj EQ_k-obj low_freq_k-obj low_level_k-obj high_freq_k-obj high_level_k-obj ;=2625,625,100,0 MENUPAGE diffusors_m "Diffusors settings" Delays 8 k_diff_dlayoffset-obj k_diffmult-obj dummy-obj dummy-obj k_diff_in_off-obj k_diffinmult-obj k_diff_out_off-obj k_diffoutmult-obj ;=1750,1425,100,0 C_GRAPH c_graph 2 0 0 0 0 24 0 2000 1 k_diff_dlayoffset-out 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;=1750,625,100,0 KNOB k_diff_dlayoffset "Delays Offset:%1.0fms" dfdlof 0 1976 1 40 ;=1550,900,100,0 KNOB k_diff_in_off "ModDly1 Offset:%1.0fms" difinoff 0 456 1 0 ;=750,350,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_in c_graph_in-out1 k_diffinmult-out ;=875,450,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_in1 c_graph_in-out2 k_diffinmult-out ;=875,575,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_in2 c_graph_in-out3 k_diffinmult-out ;=875,700,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_in3 c_graph_in-out4 k_diffinmult-out ;=875,825,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_in4 c_graph_in-out5 k_diffinmult-out ;=1000,500,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_in5 c_graph_in-out6 k_diffinmult-out ;=1000,625,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_in6 c_graph_in-out7 0 ;=1000,750,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_in7 c_graph_in-out8 k_diffinmult-out ;=1000,875,100,0 C_GRAPH c_graph_in 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 500 1 k_diff_in_off-out 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;=750,475,100,0 KNOB k_diffinmult "ModDly1 Mult: %2.1f" difinmult 0 10 0.1 1.5 ;=750,800,100,0 KNOB dsize_k "Size1: %5.2f" size 0 1 0.01 0.02 ;=1275,550,100,0 KNOB moddepth_k "Depth1: %4.2f ms" depth 0 100 1 5 ;=1275,625,100,0 KNOB modrate_k "Rate1: %5.2f ms/sec" rate 0 100 0.01 0.01 ;=1275,700,100,0 KNOB gliderate_k "Glide1: %4.2f" difinmult 0 1 0.01 0.09 ;=1275,800,100,0 KNOB dsize_k1 "Size2: %5.2f" size 0 1 0.01 1 ;=1275,1025,100,0 KNOB moddepth_k1 "Depth2: %4.2f ms" depth 0 100 1 5 ;=1275,1100,100,0 KNOB gliderate_k1 "Rate2: %5.2f ms/sec" rate 0 1 0.01 0.03 ;=1275,1175,100,0 KNOB gliderate_k2 "Glide2: %4.2f" difinmult 0 1 0.01 1 ;=1275,1275,100,0 KNOB modratespan_k span span 0 1 1 1 ;=1125,950,100,0 KNOB highcut_k "high cut: %5.0f Hz" HighCut 0 20000 10 2200 ;=2375,475,100,0 KNOB low_freq_k " low freq: %5.0f Hz" lowfreq 0 20000 10 1000 ;=2775,550,100,0 KNOB low_level_k " low gain:%6.0f db" lowlevel -18 18 1 6 ;=2775,650,100,0 KNOB high_level_k "high gain:%6.0f db" highlevel -18 18 1 -4 ;=2900,650,100,0 KNOB high_freq_k "high freq: %5.0f Hz" highfreq 20 20000 10 1600 ;=2900,550,100,0 DIFFCHORUS diffchor_out 8 plex-out8 c_multiply17-out dsize_k1-out moddepth_k1-out 0.03 modratespan_k-out gliderate_k2-out mult_diffchr_out-out mult_diffchr_out1-out mult_diffchr_out2-out mult_diffchr_out3-out mult_diffchr_out5-out mult_diffchr_out4-out mult_diffchr_out6-out mult_diffchr_out7-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out c_adder4-out ;=1125,1075,100,0 KNOB k_diff_out_off "ModDly2 Offset:%0.0f ms" difinoff 0 456 1 10 ;=750,1075,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out c_graph_out-out1 k_diffoutmult-out ;=875,1000,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out1 c_graph_out-out2 k_diffoutmult-out ;=875,1100,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out2 c_graph_out-out3 k_diffoutmult-out ;=875,1200,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out3 c_graph_out-out4 k_diffoutmult-out ;=875,1300,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out4 c_graph_out-out6 k_diffoutmult-out ;=1000,1275,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out5 c_graph_out-out5 k_diffoutmult-out ;=1000,1175,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out6 c_graph_out-out7 k_diffoutmult-out ;=1000,1375,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out7 c_graph_out-out8 k_diffoutmult-out ;=1000,1475,100,0 C_GRAPH c_graph_out 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 500 1 k_diff_out_off-out 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;=750,1175,100,0 KNOB k_diffoutmult "ModDly2 Mult: %2.1f" difinmul 0 10 0.1 1.4998 ;=750,1450,100,0 MENUPAGE diffchorout_m Diffchrout dfchout 1 diffchor_out-obj ;=1300,1400,100,0 MENUPAGE DiffMod "Diffusors Mod" Mod 8 dsize_k-obj moddepth_k-obj modrate_k-obj gliderate_k-obj dsize_k1-obj moddepth_k1-obj gliderate_k1-obj gliderate_k2-obj ;=1425,850,100,0 TEXTKNOB EQ_k " EQ: %3s ==>" textknob 2 0 ON OFF ;=2375,650,100,0 PERCENTKNOB diffchr_out_fdbk_ "Feedback: %5.0f %%" fdbk 0 100 1 80 ;=100,675,100,0 DIFFCHORUS diffchor_out~1 8 sum-out 1 1 detune_k-out 0.1 1 1 mult_diffchr_out~-out mult_diffchr_out11-out mult_diffchr_out21-out mult_diffchr_out31-out mult_diffchr_out8-out mult_diffchr_out12-out mult_diffchr_out22-out mult_diffchr_out32-out diffchr_out_fdbk_-out diffchr_out_fdbk_-out diffchr_out_fdbk_-out diffchr_out_fdbk_-out diffchr_out_fdbk_-out diffchr_out_fdbk_-out diffchr_out_fdbk_-out diffchr_out_fdbk_-out ;=250,300,100,0 KNOB k_diff_out_off~1 "DlyOffset: %4.0f" difinoff 0 456 1 0 ;=100,400,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out~ c_graph_out~1-out1 k_diffoutmult~1-out ;=500,300,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out11 c_graph_out~1-out2 k_diffoutmult~1-out ;=500,400,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out21 c_graph_out~1-out3 k_diffoutmult~1-out ;=500,500,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out31 c_graph_out~1-out4 k_diffoutmult~1-out ;=500,600,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out8 c_graph_out~1-out5 k_diffoutmult~1-out ;=625,450,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out12 c_graph_out~1-out6 k_diffoutmult~1-out ;=625,550,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out22 c_graph_out~1-out7 k_diffoutmult~1-out ;=625,650,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out32 c_graph_out~1-out8 k_diffoutmult~1-out ;=625,750,100,0 C_GRAPH c_graph_out~1 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 500 1 k_diff_out_off~1-out 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;=375,375,100,0 KNOB k_diffoutmult~1 "DlyMult: %6.0f" difinmul 0 100 1 2 ;=100,550,100,0 PERCENTKNOB diffchr_out_fdbk_1 "Feedback: %5.0f %%" fdbk 0 100 1 80 ;=100,1325,100,0 DIFFCHORUS diffchor_out~2 8 diffchor_out~1-out 1 1 0 0.11 1 1 mult_diffchr_out~1-out mult_diffchr_out13-out mult_diffchr_out23-out mult_diffchr_out33-out mult_diffchr_out9-out mult_diffchr_out14-out mult_diffchr_out24-out mult_diffchr_out34-out diffchr_out_fdbk_1-out diffchr_out_fdbk_1-out diffchr_out_fdbk_1-out diffchr_out_fdbk_1-out diffchr_out_fdbk_1-out diffchr_out_fdbk_1-out diffchr_out_fdbk_1-out diffchr_out_fdbk_1-out ;=250,950,100,0 KNOB k_diff_out_off~2 "DlyOffset: %4.0f" difinoff 0 456 1 0 ;=100,1050,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out~1 c_graph_out~2-out1 k_diffoutmult~2-out ;=500,925,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out13 c_graph_out~2-out2 k_diffoutmult~2-out ;=500,1025,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out23 c_graph_out~2-out3 k_diffoutmult~2-out ;=500,1125,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out33 c_graph_out~2-out4 k_diffoutmult~2-out ;=500,1225,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out9 c_graph_out~2-out5 k_diffoutmult~2-out ;=625,1100,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out14 c_graph_out~2-out6 k_diffoutmult~2-out ;=625,1200,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out24 c_graph_out~2-out7 k_diffoutmult~2-out ;=625,1300,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out34 c_graph_out~2-out8 k_diffoutmult~2-out ;=625,1400,100,0 C_GRAPH c_graph_out~2 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 500 1 k_diff_out_off~2-out 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;=375,1050,100,0 KNOB k_diffoutmult~2 "DlyMult: %6.0f" difinmul 0 100 1 1 ;=100,1200,100,0 EXTCONTROL extcontrol PlexFdbk_ctrl -2048 0 0 0 ;=1375,150,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply6 extcontrol-out 100 ;=1475,250,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply22 in1_k1-out 0.01 ;=2525,50,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply17 c_multiply20-out 0.01 ;=1525,725,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply19 c_subtract3-out 1.6667 ;=725,100,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply21 c_multiply19-out 0.01 ;=900,100,100,0 MONITOR m_plexfdbk c_multiply-out "Plex: %11.0f%%" Plexfdbk ;=1600,1400,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply c_adder2-out 100 ;=1425,1550,100,0 MONITOR m_diff_fdbk c_multiply3-out "Diffusors: %6.0f%%" DiffFdbk ;=1600,1550,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply3 c_adder3-out 100 ;=1425,1425,100,0 MONITOR m_diff_fdbk1 c_multiply5-out "Mod Diffusors: %2.0f%%" DiffFdbk ;=1400,425,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply5 c_adder4-out 100 ;=1275,425,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply1 master_k-out c_multiply13-out ;=1650,400,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply16 c_multiply18-out -1 ;=2225,575,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply18 detune_k-out 0.1 ;=2425,825,100,0 C_ADDER c_adder2 2 c_multiply1-out c_multiply7-out ;=1775,400,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply2 master_k-out c_multiply15-out ;=1525,1175,100,0 C_ADDER c_adder3 2 c_multiply2-out c_multiply9-out ;=1575,1050,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply4 master_k-out c_multiply14-out ;=1075,225,100,0 C_ADDER c_adder4 2 c_multiply4-out c_multiply8-out ;=1225,225,100,0 SKNOB3 master_k Master%3.0f GenFdbk 3 1 70 master_k-out 0 100 c_merge-out ;=1925,125,100,0 SKNOB3 in1_k1 DryWet%3.0f drywet 3 1 100 in1_k1-out 0 100 0 ;=2350,25,100,0 SKNOB3 in1_k Diff.%3.0f diff 3 1 70 70 0 100 0 ;=1525,450,100,0 C_MERGE c_merge 2 c_multiply6-out master_k-out ;=1775,275,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply7 plexmin_k-out 0.01 ;=2275,1325,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply8 diffmodmin_k-out 0.01 ;=2275,1200,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply9 diffmin_k-out 0.01 ;=2275,1100,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply10 "max in_k4-out" 0.01 ;=2425,1325,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply11 "max in_k3-out" 0.01 ;=2425,1200,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply12 "max in_k2-out" 0.01 ;=2425,1100,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply13 c_subtract1-out 0.01 ;=2725,1450,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply14 c_subtract2-out 0.01 ;=2725,1350,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply15 c_subtract-out 0.01 ;=2725,1250,100,0 MENUPAGE FeedbacksCfg "Feedback Config" Config 8 plexmin_k-obj dummy-obj diffmin_k-obj diffmodmin_k-obj "max in_k4-obj" dummy-obj "max in_k2-obj" "max in_k3-obj" ;=2875,1275,100,0 ;"Plex: %5.0f %%" ;=2675,950,100,0" ;"Plex: %5.0f %%" ;=2725,1000,100,0" TEXTKNOB dummy "" "" 1 0 0 ;=2250,1500,100,0 TEXTKNOB dummy1 "" "" 1 0 0 ;=400,1650,100,0 TEXTBLOCK textblock 1 "FEEDBACKS MONITOR :" ;=2475,1525,100,0 C_SUBTRACT c_subtract c_multiply12-out c_multiply9-out ;=2575,1100,100,0 C_SUBTRACT c_subtract1 c_multiply10-out c_multiply7-out ;=2575,1325,100,0 C_SUBTRACT c_subtract2 c_multiply11-out c_multiply8-out ;=2575,1200,100,0 MENUPAGE MasterVerb MasterVerb Master 11 master_k-obj in1_k-obj detune_k-obj in1_k1-obj textblock-obj m_plexfdbk-obj m_diff_fdbk-obj m_diff_fdbk1-obj master_k-obj FeedbacksCfg-obj extcontrol-obj ;=1950,1375,100,0 SKNOB3 plexmin_k "PlexMin: %5.0f %%" PlexMin 0 1 60 60 0 "max in_k4-out" 0 ;=2775,1050,100,0 SKNOB3 diffmodmin_k "DiffModMin: %2.0f %%" difmodmin 0 1 20 20 0 "max in_k3-out" 0 ;=2775,925,100,0 SKNOB3 diffmin_k "DiffMin: %5.0f %%" DiffMin 0 1 20 20 0 "max in_k2-out" 0 ;=2775,775,100,0 SKNOB3 "max in_k4" "PlexMax: %5.0f %%" PlexMax 0 1 98 98 plexmin_k-out 100 0 ;=2900,1050,100,0 SKNOB3 "max in_k3" "DiffModMax: %2.0f %%" difmodmax 0 1 40 40 diffmodmin_k-out 100 0 ;=2900,925,100,0 SKNOB3 "max in_k2" "DiffMax: %5.0f %%" DiffMax 0 1 40 40 diffmin_k-out 100 0 ;=2900,775,100,0 DETUNE detune 50 plex-out1 20 50 c_multiply16-out ;=2325,150,100,0 DETUNE detune1 50 plex-out8 20 50 c_multiply18-out ;=2325,325,100,0 SKNOB3 detune_k Detune%3.0f detune 3 1 50 50 0 100 0 ;=2250,850,100,0 C_BOUND c_bound in1_k-out 40 100 ;=450,100,100,0 C_SUBTRACT c_subtract3 c_bound-out 40 ;=575,100,100,0 C_MULTIPLY c_multiply20 c_bound1-out 1.6667 ;=1600,600,100,0 C_BOUND c_bound1 in1_k-out 0 60 ;=1450,600,100,0 MENUPAGE inputdifftweak_m menupage menupage 7 k_diff_out_off~1-obj k_diffoutmult~1-obj diffchr_out_fdbk_-obj dummy1-obj k_diff_out_off~2-obj k_diffoutmult~2-obj diffchr_out_fdbk_1-obj ;=475,1450,100,0 TEXTBLOCK info 41 "Reverberation-like sound inspired by" "some plex based algorithm example" "from Italo." "Master controls all plex and diffusors" "feedbacks from min to max values," "which are configurables." "Diff. controls diffusion from min at 0" "up to max at 60 and also activates" "input cross fade into 2 modulated" "diffusors before the plex from min at" "40 up to max 100." "Detune controls stereo detuning at the" "output additionnaly with depth of input" "modulated diffusors. Thus detune" "setting is impacted by diffs. settings " "above 40, and vice versa." "Wet/Dry mix is consigurable if needed." "Also an EQ is available. HighCut is" "always active, low/high param EQ can" "be switched ON/OFF." "Though those basic parameters are" "enough to achieve many different" "sounds, additional tweaking can be" done. "In the core plex 6 simple diffusors are" "used along with 2 modulated diffusors." "Diffusors delays are configurable:" "offset and multipler allows for" "different settings. Formula is:" "delay n value =(offset+n)*mult in ms." "Modulations are also configurable for" "those 2 modulated diffusors, enabling" "at lower settings some flanging effects" "for instance. Play with them and" "listen !" "Ext 5 controls Master." "Summed in, stereo out." "I hope you will enjoy this preset." "Thanks Italo for helping to learn how" "to take the best from those awesome " "machines :-)" ;=2775,425,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out20 c_graph-out1 k_diffmult-out ;=1150,1700,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out29 c_graph-out2 k_diffmult-out ;=1150,1800,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out30 c_graph-out3 k_diffmult-out ;=1150,1900,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out39 c_graph-out4 k_diffmult-out ;=1150,2000,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out40 c_graph-out5 k_diffmult-out ;=1300,1700,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out41 c_graph-out6 k_diffmult-out ;=1300,1800,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out42 c_graph-out7 k_diffmult-out ;=1300,1900,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out43 c_graph-out8 k_diffmult-out ;=1300,2000,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out44 c_graph-out9 k_diffmult-out ;=1475,1700,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out45 c_graph-out10 k_diffmult-out ;=1475,1800,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out46 c_graph-out11 k_diffmult-out ;=1475,1900,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out47 c_graph-out12 k_diffmult-out ;=1475,2000,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out48 c_graph-out13 k_diffmult-out ;=1625,1700,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out49 c_graph-out14 k_diffmult-out ;=1625,1800,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out50 c_graph-out15 k_diffmult-out ;=1625,1900,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out51 c_graph-out16 k_diffmult-out ;=1625,2000,100,0 KNOB k_diffmult "Delays Mult: %1.1f" difmult 0 10 0.1 1 ;=750,1950,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out52 c_graph-out17 k_diffmult-out ;=1800,1700,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out15 c_graph-out18 k_diffmult-out ;=1800,1800,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out25 c_graph-out19 k_diffmult-out ;=1800,1900,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out35 c_graph-out20 k_diffmult-out ;=1800,2000,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out10 c_graph-out21 k_diffmult-out ;=1975,1700,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out16 c_graph-out22 k_diffmult-out ;=1975,1800,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out26 c_graph-out23 k_diffmult-out ;=1975,1900,100,0 C_MULTIPLY mult_diffchr_out36 c_graph-out24 k_diffmult-out ;=1975,2000,100,0 TAIL "L. Franenberg"